Natural Attractions
Gouliot Headland RAMSAR
The Headland gained it's RAMSAR status in 2007 and is recognised worldwide for its unique animal and plant life, particularly in the Gouliot Caves, which boast a colourful patchwork of marine life including sponges, anemones and corals.
The headland above the caves is a blanket of bluebells and primroses in Spring and lush green ferns in Summer. Botanists may also spot white bluebells and the rare sand crocus.
Walking on the headland is a delight. Whether it's picnicking on a bench, watching the sunset over the panoramic sea view or saying hello to the resident sheep and goats that graze the area.

Venus Pool
Venus Pool is a natural sea pool tucked away under a rocky bluff in Little Sark. This somewhat enigmatic emerald pool only appears 2 hours before and after low tide, before it is engulfed by the sea once more.
The water is very clear, displaying the wonderful array of colourful seaweeds lining its walls and the hues of light and dark rocks along the bottom.
Venus Pool is a delightful bathing spot, with panoramic sea views and large flat rocks surrounding it for a much needed post swim sunbathe and picnic.
Dixcart Valley
An oasis at the heart of the island, Dixcart Valley is a lush woodland with tall trees, fern covered banks and a babbling stream that meets the sea at Dixcart Bay.
In Spring the Valley is blanketed in bluebells and white wild garlic. Under the Summer sun, the walk through the Valley offers cool and refreshing shade, with gorgeously dappled sunlight through the trees.
There are several trails that run through Dixcart Valley, leading north and south along the coast as well as down to Dixcart bay itself. The walk is gentle and offers the Island's easiest beach access.

This area at the very north of the island encompasses several different natural attractions. At the top you will find L'Eperquerie Common, a large open headland with spectacular panoramic sea views across to Herm, Guernsey and even Alderney.
At the end of the Common stand the Manlet Half Tower and Buddhist Rock Carving, whilst below lies L'Eperquerie Beach and Pool, Les Fontaines Bay.
Various trails circle around and through this area, with several benches dotted along the way to take in the many magnificent views.
Port Du Moulin Woods
These ancient woods below La Seigneurie are both beautiful and historically interesting, as they housed the site of the island's medieval monastery.
The trail, lined with colourful wild flowers, gently zigzags through the woods, alongside the babbling stream that appears as a small waterfall above Port du Moulin Bay.
The woodland trail also leads to Window in the Rock and the lookout perched atop Tintageu bluff.

Happy Valley
Happy Valley is tucked away in the West of the island, with a single entry and exit path leading off from the road to Pilcher Monument.
The Valley sits above Port es Sais, a sandy bay only accessible by boat. Shingle from the beach used to be winched up the cliff and the old machinery still sits like a time warp at the bottom of the valley.
Happy Valley owes its name to the many happy hours spent by locals here who use the smooth sloping valley sides for yak sledding.
Bluebell Woods
Named after the beautiful displays of bluebells to be found here each year, this stretch of woods spans all along the north side of Harbour Hill.
The trails through the woods lead into open fields and meadows with lovely panoramic sea views towards France and beyond that into the quaint back lanes of the village area.

Hog's Back
Hog's Back, named after the shape of the headland as seen from the sea, cradles Dixcart Bay on one side and Derrible Bay on the other, with fantastic views of both from the cannon perch.
During the second world war, commando troops famously scaled the Hog's Back headland in a raid that changed the course of history. Today, a memorial plaque stands poignantly on the cliff edge.
In Autumn the path to Hog's Back offers great blackberry and sloe picking for home made gin!
La Coupée and Little Sark
This striking isthmus of land connecting Big and Little Sark is probably the island's most famed attraction. With steep steps leading down to Grande Greve Bay on one side and a sheer drop on the other, the crossing and the views are truly breathtaking.
Having crossed La Coupée into Little Sark the road winds its way down to the south facing headlands. There are many caves, creeks and pools along Little Sark's stretch of coastline, as well as land based attractions such as the Dolmen and Silver Mines ruins.