Our Coast
Below the plateau
Sark being a plateau island, to reach the shore one must be prepared for a bit of an expedition. Most of the beaches involve a combination of winding paths and sometimes steep steps that must be approached with caution and care. The reward is the luxury of crowdless, litter-free pristine bays with seldom more than a handful of people on them. It's a price worth paying, trust us!
From big sandy bays to pebbly coves, enchanting rock pools & turquoise creeks, Sark's beaches and bays are varied & unique. The water is clear and clean and wonderful for sea swimming. Indeed, many islanders swear by year round cold water swimming for health and well-being.

Large Tidal Ranges
The Channel Islands have some of the largest tidal ranges in the world. On a Spring tide the difference between low and high tide can be as much as 10m, compared to only 2-5m experienced by English coasts.
This expansive tidal range exposes a whole new world on the shores of Sark every six hours. Rocky outcrops become large sandy bays, small sea caves become enormous walk through chambers and natural pools appear and disappear as if by magic. No two beach excursions will be the same!
Enchanting as the tides are, they can also be dangerous, cutting people off from beach access steps or gushing through caves with currents of up to 10 knots. All visitors are advised to check tide times and familiarise themselves with local information before venturing down to a bay or swimming.

Just the right spot
Having assessed the tide, the next step in picking the best beach to visit on any given day is to check the weather, in particular the wind direction.
One of the most fortunate things about living on a small island is that you can always go to a bay on the lee side and escape the prevailing wind.
Sark has bays and swimming spots that encircle the whole island, so there is always a sheltered spot to be found. Use our Beach Guide to help you!