Starts at The Harbours
Ends at The Avenue
Highlights are Sark Henge, Hog's Back & Coastal Views.
The Route Great for having just arrived off the boat!
From the bottom of Harbour Hill, begin walking up and take the first left hand path, veering left again at the signpost and following the stairs leading up to Les Laches.
When the path meets the main road turn right and after a short distance take a left off the road through a wooden gate, heading towards Derrible Bay and Sark Henge. At the pond (usually dry in Summer), Sark Henge is up to the left, perfect for a rest stop with amazing views. To the right is the path that leads to Hog's Back.
After viewing Sark Henge, follow the path leading to Hog's Back. Enjoy another rest stop at the cannon at the end of Hog's Back with panoramic sea views of both Derrible and Dixcart bays. Head back along the same path, taking the first left hand fork and a right when the path meets a lane. When the lane meets the main road, take a left and then right to the Avenue.